Stoke St Gregory Primary School

Let Your Light Shine

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"Let your light shine"

Reception children for September 2024

Don't worry if you missed our open sessions. 

We warmly welcome you to look around our school

Please book a place by:

calling the school office: 01823 490437

or email -

Head Teacher's Welcome 

Stoke St Gregory Primary is a small rural school in the heart of Somerset. We are surrounded by beautiful countryside and are part of a diverse village community. We have three classes of mixed age ranges. Currently, EYFS with Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6. 

Our school is proud to be an academy and part of The Oak Partnership Trust

As a school, we believe that engaging learning experiences are crucial and that challenge within all areas of the curriculum is important too. At Stoke, we are a community of lifelong learners, adults and children alike. This approach for all in our school community results in our collective and individual growth as a part of our school, our wider community and our world. 

Every child is an individual, with unique skills, interests and passions and we strive to help all in our school community to be the very best that they can be. 

We will be continually evolving as we grow and learn from each other. Are we a finished product? No. Will we ever be? No. Will we strive for what is best for our children and our community? Yes. That is one thing we will continue to do. 

If you would like to know more or have any specific query, please contact our Senior Office Administrator Mrs Amelia Nichols on 01823 490437. Our email address is:

Barney Rycroft

Head Teacher - The Oak Partnership

Our Latest Updates

Our New Reading Areas

To see photos of our new reading areas in Otter Class, Kingfisher Class and the Library, visit our Reading page by clicking here

Key Dates for 2023 - 24

Key dates for the school year can be found on our newsletter page and on the school calendar. Click here for a link to the school calendar.

Staying Safe Online

As we know, it is so important to be mindful and proactively teach our children to remain safe online. The resources and links in the documents below are hugely helpful.

 Internet Safety Resources for Parents and Carers.pdfDownload
 Parents Online Safety presentation.pdfDownload
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