Stoke St Gregory Primary School

Let Your Light Shine

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As a church school we have a close link with the Parish Church of St. Gregory and also with the local Baptist Church. Please see documents below for further information about both churches.
 Collective Worship Policy 2023.pdfDownload
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Open the Book

Thank you to the group from St Gregory’s Church who came into school this week to deliver our next ‘Open the Book’ assembly. The weather was kind and resulted in us being able to be all together in our bubbles outside. Our Year 6s took an active part in proceedings and, as ever, shared their brilliant personalities within their contributions for the assembly.

The story this week was about the importance of humility – a hard concept to grasp but an important one. Our children understood how Peter and John, two brothers who were disciples of Jesus, wanted to be the most important and the best and be given the highest positions of rank. This is a concept our children can understand as it is a natural part of their own development. It naturally helps our children to realise the importance of considering others which, as we all know is a life-long learning curve.